Mano Krach
1980 GDR
I am a he-she, a nonbinary, a misfit.
White bodied, queer with working class background.
I have a lower secondary school cert and an art diploma.
I live with invisibel disabilities.
I am brokenhearted. And I am seeking for liberation.
I believe: another world is possible. A world that works for all.
I couldn't survive this world at this moment, without regularly dipping into the very cold water of a lake. I love trees and birds.
I have undergone intensive further training in recent years:
I am deeply influenced by the work of:
White bodied, queer with working class background.
I have a lower secondary school cert and an art diploma.
I live with invisibel disabilities.
I am brokenhearted. And I am seeking for liberation.
I believe: another world is possible. A world that works for all.
I couldn't survive this world at this moment, without regularly dipping into the very cold water of a lake. I love trees and birds.
I have undergone intensive further training in recent years:
- Nonviolent communication integrating a systemic lens of power and privilege
- Mindfulness and somatic-based methods
- Trauma-informed approaches in social justice work
- Conflict, communication and decision-making processes in groups
I am deeply influenced by the work of:
- Miki Kashtan
- Rev angel Kyodo williams Roshi
- Pema Chödrön
- Willi Farrales (Tonglen Teacher)
- Kai Cheng Thom
- Sophie Strand
- Bayo Akomolafe
- Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Arnold Mindell
- The People of the Liberated Life Network
- The People of the Nonviolent Global Liberation Network
- Focusing Initatives International
I want to make something visible:
I would like to thank all the people and initiatives who, through their pricing policy and support, make it possible for people with little money to take part in their trainings and courses. A very large proportion of the trainings listed here would otherwise not have been accesible for me.
Trainings / Weiterbildungen
Weaving Togetherness:
Supporting Liberation while
Facilitating Conflict Processes
4 Module CourseNVC Academy / Miki Kashtan, Aurélia Saint-Just & Alper Süzer
Psychological First Aid (PFA)
5 Module CourseFocusing Iniatives International / Pat Omidian and Anne Willman
Nonviolent Communication for Liberation
8 Week CourseNonviolent Global Liberation Network
Trauma-Informed Women in Leadership-
Resourcing and Relatedness for Collective Restoration
10 Module CoursePocket Project / Kosha Joubert, Deb Dana, Rola Hallam and more
Trauma - Systems Level Somatics Training
4 Days Training Retreatorganised by: Esmat Ahmadian / hugo x tibiriçá / Anna Hoffmann
Facilitator: Parneet Chohan
Embodied Conflict Resolution
25 Hours Online Certification ProgramEmbody Lab / Kai Cheng Thom
Responding to the Call of Our Times:
A Leadership Coaching Program 2023
11 Months Course / WeeklyNVC Academy / Miki Kashtan and Guests
The Body Is a Doorway -
Deep Ecology and Deep Healing
4 Module CourseScience and Nonduality Institute / Sophie Strand
Liberation for All:
Integrating a Power and Privilege Lens
into Basic NVC Training
4 Module CourseNVC Academy / Miki Kashtan
Europäisch sein: Binaritäten und Begehren
- Trennungen und Wiedervereinigungen – auf der Suche nach Heilung3 Days Workshop
Myzelium Projekt / Tsepo Bollwinkel
The Wandering, Winding Way of the Wound
or the Politics of Cure,the Shadows of Harm Reduction,
and Transgressive Networks of Care at World End
4 Module Course
Science and Nonduality Institute /
Bayo Akomolafe, Sophie Strand, Tyson Yunkaporta,
and Vanessa Machado de Oliveira Andreotti
Embodiment Social Justice Certificate Program
50 Hours CourseEmbody Lab / Dr. Sara King, Rev. angel Kyodo williams Roshi & Dr. Rae Johnson
Training in Achtsamkeit und Meditation seit 2021
Tonglen Meditation -
Meeting difficult emotions with an open heart
weekly since 2021Liberated Life Network / Willi Farrales
Half Day Sit
monthly since 2021Rev angely Kyodo williams Roshi
Daily Practise from May 2021 till end of 2022Liberated Life Network / Rev angel Kyodo williams Roshi
im Zen buddhistischem Zentrum Schwarzwald
4 Wochen AufenthaltZBZS / Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi
More than one democracy -
Training und Studium der Methode 2021-2023
“Betzavta - Together” is a facilitation method developed by the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace
Ausbildung Betzavta- Trainer_in
Oktober 2022 bis April 2023 / 16-tägige Ausbildungpokubi e.V. / Kerstin* Knye, Marett Katalin Klahn,
Jenny Wilke, Şeydâ Buurman-Kutsal
Ausbildung Betzavta- Trainer_in
März 2022 / Modul 1 / 5 TageVilla Fohrde / Elisabeth Zschache und Ketie Saner
Macht- und Diskriminierungskritische Moderation von Betzavta
April 2022 / 3 TageGustav Stresemann Institut / Marett Katalin Klahn
How to cofacilitate on the topics
of democracy and peace
März 2023 / 6 Module CourseAdam Institute for democracy and peace / Uki Maroshek-Klarman and Saber Rabi
Betzavta - Begegnung zwischen afghanischer und deutscher Community
Mai 2022 / 3 Tagepokubi e.V. / Uki Maroshek-Klarman, Lutfullah Amiri
Betzavta - Klimagerechtigkeit und Demokratie
Februar 2023 / 3 TageVilla Fohrde / Stuhlkreisrevolte
Basiskurs Betzavta
Juni 2022 / 5 TageVilla Fohrde / Stuhlkreisrevolte
Basiskurs Betzavta
April und August 2022 / 6 Tagepokubi e.V.
Basiskurs Betzavta
Oktober und November 2021 / 6 Tagepokubi. e.V.
Aktuell Meister*nnenstudium
bei Prof. Christin Lahr in der Klasse“Künstlerisches Handeln und Forschen”
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig