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Opening of the “Open studio”
Freitag 14. März
Together in Silence
For the opening of the open studio, we will immerse ourselves in
the experience of beeing together in silence.
And we will create the first layer of
the “dialogisches Geflecht-Wandbild” (dialogical mesh mural).
Further information and registration
15. März
Why are we silent...?
Investigating our Silences
Open Studio
Zeiten: 13.00 Uhr bis 17 Uhr14.00 bis 16.00 Workshop
What forms and types of silence do we perceive?
How Where When do they appear?
What questions do we have about them?
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
Registration for the workshop :
Open Studio and dialogisches Geflecht-Wandbild

Montag 17. März
CLOSED / Geschlossen
Dienstag 18. März
15- 20 Uhr Open Studio18.00 bis 19.30 Workshop
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
No big deal, just come by.
Mittwoch 19. März
15- 20 Uhr Open Studio18.00 bis 19.30 Workshop
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
No big deal, just come by.
Donnerstag 20. März
15- 20 Uhr Open Studio18.00 bis 19.30 Workshop
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
No big deal, just come by.
Freitag 21. März
Together in Silence
18.30 bis 20.30 Uhr
Being together.
Following the silence. Breathing.
Maybe someone moves. Sighs.
Maybe someone writes something on the wall.
Maybe someone quietly leaves. Maybe they return.
Following the silence. Breathing.
Samstag 22. März
Investigating our Silences
Interactive Workshop
If our silences could be felt, what would we feel?
If our silences could be heard, what would we hear?
If our silences were to say something,
how would it speak to us?
We will explore the questions through different approaches. We will dive into feeling. We will dive into listening. We will engage with reflection questions, either individually or together. There will be exercises in mindfulness, drawing, and writing.
Samstag 22 März
13.00 Uhr bis 16 Uhr
Betreff: Workshop 22. März / If Silence were a place
Open Studio and dialogisches Geflecht-Wandbild
Montag 24. März
15- 20 Uhr Open Studio18.00 bis 19.30 Workshop
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
No big deal, just come by.
Dienstag 25. März
15- 20 Uhr Open Studio18.00 bis 19.30 Workshop
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
No big deal, just come by.
Mittwoch 26. März
CLOSED / Geschlossen
Donnerstag 27. März
15- 20 Uhr Open Studio18.00 bis 19.30 Workshop
We will explore different aspects of our silences in the workshop using a mindfulness or creative method.
No big deal, just come by.
Freitag 28. März
Finding Not-Words
18 - 20.30 UhrA Workshop with the Sound and the Space of Our Voices
more information coming soon
29. März
12.30 bis 17 UhrInformation coming soon
Organizational information
Organizational information
The “open studio” is a room in the Academy of Visual Arts.
It is entered without shoes.
There is a lounge area in front of the room. There is a small tea table and seating. You are always welcome to bring small gifts for everyone. For example, fruits and nuts, tee and coffee.
The venue is wheelchair accessible. For assistance with navigating the building and for further details, please contact me by email.
All events are free of charge.
However, there are costs involved, which I am currently covering privately. Donations are necessary to support my work and are very much appreciated. A donation box will be available on-site.
The Open Studio is process-orientated.
Some things will develop over time, others may change.
Sign up for the newsletter and you will receive information about events and changes during the two weeks.
The Open Studio follows an open process.
Some things will develop over time, and some things may change.
Sign up for the newsletter, and you will receive information about events and changes during the two week.
Newsletter für the open studio “why are we silent?”
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst
Wächterstraße 11
04107 Leipzig
Raum 3.04
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