Invitation to an open studio and a series of workshops

Questions for Our Silences
If silence were a place, who would live there?
Who would be there voluntarily?
Who would be banished there?
If our silences could be felt, what would we feel?
If our silences could be heard, what would we hear?
If our silences were to say something,
how would they speak to us?
What place does our silences have in our current
social conditions and processes of change?
What roles does silence play in our wars?
In an unjust world? In a conversation?
In thinking? Loving? Hating?
Our daily togetherness?
What place does our silences hold when language and words
lose their (shared) bonds? When the word cannot
receive (any longer). Not knows how to build bridges
or create gardens for us.
What place does silence have in loosing our way?
In horror? In grief?
Are there things that are unspeakable?
And remain so?
social conditions and processes of change?
What roles does silence play in our wars?
In an unjust world? In a conversation?
In thinking? Loving? Hating?
Our daily togetherness?
What place does our silences hold when language and words
lose their (shared) bonds? When the word cannot
receive (any longer). Not knows how to build bridges
or create gardens for us.
What place does silence have in loosing our way?
In horror? In grief?
Are there things that are unspeakable?
And remain so?
Why are we silent ?
Invitation to an open studio and a series of workshops from March 14 to
March 29, 2025
The Open Atelier
is a space for reflection, sensing and research.
A large wall invites you to become involved in a “dialogisches Geflecht-Wandbild”
Dialogisches Geflecht-Wandbild
Bring your associations, thoughts, feelings, images and other pearls to the wall.
Become a part through your sharing.
Further information
Open Atelier and dialogisches Geflecht-Wandbild
Program and Workshops
Workshops will take place during the period. There will be the opportunity to exchange ideas and work on the topic together.
Further information about the program
The Open Studio follows an open process.
Some things will develop over time, and some things may change. Sign up for the newsletter, and you will receive information about events and changes during the two week. .
Newsletter für the open studio “why are we silent?”
About me
My name is Mano Krach.
The project “Why are we silent...?” is my final project for my Master's degree at HGB Leipzig. I've gathered a wide range of personal observations and experiences surrounding silence. I’m looking forward to a process of exploration and exchange that is both individual and collective. I would be delighted if you could join and participate.
If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me at this email
Hompage Mano Krach
Homepage Mano Krach
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst
Wächterstraße 11
04107 Leipzig