the power of listening

exploring deep listening
and interdependence during difficult and dystopian times

Workshop Series

All that you touch You Change.
All that you Change Changes you.

                                            Octavia Butler

Who “am” I,
without you?
                        Judith Butler

Maybe urgency is inviting us to slow down,
to listen.
To see who is there
with us,
to consult,

                    Bayo Akomolafe

This workshops go into awareness and self-exploration.
We, in relation and alone, are our investigation tool and object of investigation at the same time.
We generate knowledge and experience about and through contemplation, sensing, listening.
We are supported in this investigation by guided meditations, reflection practises, dialogue, music, pen and paper.
And a great deal of slowing down and silence.

Exploring what is there to listen. 
What is there to feel, to digest, to reflect.
Boredom will arise. Fear.
Storm. Realization. Pain. Calm.
We - will - listen.

Come as you are

  • bring your noisy mind
  • your tired body
  • your broken heart
  • bring your suicidal notes
  • your nightmares of war and genocide
  • your hope for liberation
  • your grief for the dead
  • your grief for the living
  • your flowers of love and hate
  • your indifference
  • your shyness
  • your wordlessness
  • your questions
  • your not knowing
  • your despair
  • your hidden sparkles
  • your fire
  • your tears
  • your anger
  • are welcome.
  • come
  • as you 
  • are.
                                  (M.K. /Dec 2023)

Workshops April 2024

Location: Leipzig

Workshop 01

Listening to your self

6. - 7. April 2024 / 10 Uhr bis 17 Uhr
>> our road map for the workshop

Registration until 1. April 2024

Workshop 02

Listening to the space between us

20. - 21. April 2024 / 10 Uhr bis 17 Uhr
>> our road map for the workshop
Registration until 14. April 2024

>> Anmeldung und weitere Informationen in deutsch

>> Registration and further informations in english

Workshops May 2024

Location: Leipzig

Workshop 03

The village and the monster

How “good societies” make war

10. - 12. Mai 2024 

>> our roadmap coming soon

Informations coming soon

Workshop 04

What wants to be heard?

Grief. Rage. Fear. We will listen.
24. - 26. Mai 2024

>> our roadmap coming soon

Informations coming soon


The power of listening music during difficult times

   by Micky Scottbey Jones

The workshops are organised and facilitated by
Mano Krach >> more information

>> The Power of Listening - Workshop Series 

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